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Fast ForWord Makes Better Readers and Lifelong Learners

Fast ForWord builds cognitive skills and essential reading skills so students can catch up to grade-level reading - for good!

This adaptive online reading program uses the science of learning to fast-track recovery. It's 2-in-1 approach to literacy development leaves no stone unturned. Sit back and watch as your child grows their confidence in, and a love for reading!

An Introduction to

Fast ForWord

Fast ForWord helps struggling readers achieve their full learning potential. This adaptive online reading program has been designed to address the underlying causes of reading difficulties. Fast ForWord combines the science of learning, adaptive technologies and gamification to fast-track results.

Key Features of Fast ForWord

Builds key cognitive skills such as attention, working memory, processing speed, and auditory processing

Demonstrated to improve the symptoms of Auditory Processing Disorder and Dyslexia

Improves reading ability: 1.5 year gain in as little as 12 weeks

Uses patented, adaptive technology that meets each student at their level, whether struggling or advanced

Done 100% online, at home, and at your convenience with support from our team

Who can benefit from Fast ForWord

Any student who wishes to learn to read or improve on their reading ability can benefit from Fast ForWord. However, the program has also been scientifically designed to assist students with more severe learning difficulties. Take a look at how Fast ForWord can help with Auditory Processing Disorder, Dyslexia, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and ADHD.

See what our clients have to say

Ready to spark your child's love for reading?

Contact us to get started with Fast ForWord today!

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